The Diary includes MKu3a Open Meetings and other Social Events.

Members will need to login to see the details.  For the details of all other Interest Groups activity please go to the "Interest Groups" Tab and select the individual group for further information.  

Open Meetings: - If you are interested in attending an Open Meeting, please use our online booking system to book a place and any special arrangements when these are available.  Non members can email for further information.

Click here for   'Help Sheet for Booking into Open Meetings'

Social Events:  -  Please do not book yourself onto any social event, if you wish to attend please follow the instructions in the email relating to that social event or contact email, if space is available you will then added on, or be put onto the waiting list.

You can see if you are already booked onto a social event by simply clicking onto the social event name and you will get a message stating 'you are signed up to this event'.

For social events there is a payment due and this should be made payable to Co-Op Bank, Account Name Milton Keynes u3a,  Sort Code 08-92-99,   Account Number 67320723.  Please use Ref: Your Name and Event Name.

Event NameDateTimeDurationLocation
A Walk Through West End Musicals26 Feb 202514:301 hourShenley Brook End
Playpals Concert18 Mar 202512:3045 minutesWillen
On foot through the intelligence zone – the Voices of Bletchley Park26 Mar 202514:301 hourShenley Brook End
"Don't Feed The Phish" - Internet safety Do's and Don'ts23 Apr 202514:301 hourShenley Brook End
Playpals Concert15 May 202512:3045 minutesStony Stratford
Operation Pied Piper - World War II evacuation of Children.25 Jun 202514:301 hourShenley Brook End