Login         How to change your Personal Details and check your Membership Status    
                    Help Sheet for Booking into Open Meetings and Events  

    If you are a current member please enter your Membership Number and Password below.
    If you have forgotten your password please click the 'Forgot/Create Password link under the Log In box

    If you are a New Member - Please follow the instructions below to set your unique password.

    If you are a Returning member your old credentials will not be recognised and you will have to rejoin -
    Please click on the Join tab at the top of this page.

    If you are a Prospective Member - Please click on the Join tab at the top of this page.

   We encourage all existing members, and those joining us, to establish your own login details.
   This will give you access to the Members Only
 area and to additional information in Diary and Latest News.

   You can also check and amend your own Personal Details from the Control Panel button which can be found
   at the top right
of the screen.

   Two things are needed to Login - a Username (your MKu3a Membership Number), and a Password of your choice.

   First time users
   - go to www.mku3a.org/passwordreset and enter your MKu3a Membership Number
   - Click on ‘Reset Password’ 
   - You will see ‘You have been sent an email containing a link to reset your password’ in a green banner
   - When the email arrives (this may not be immediately) the Subject line will be 'MKU3A Password Creation or Reset'
   - Click on ‘Click here to reset your password’ in the email
   - You will be taken to the MKu3a Password Reset screen. Enter and confirm your chosen password (to ensure passwords are 
      secure, follow the instructions on the screen), then click on ‘Store New Password’ 
   - You will see ‘Your password has been reset. Please login with the password you specified in a green banner. You have   
      now completed the process and can login with your
 Membership Number and chosen password.

   If you are experiencing difficulties and need help please contact websitehelp@mku3a.org