Italian - Intermediate
Time - AM
Week - Weekly
Day - Tuesday
Group Coordinator(s) - Roger Cladd, email:
Venue - Zoom
Vacancies -

Please contact the Group Coordinator for more information and to enquire about joining the group

Group Coordinator
Roger Cladd


Our small and enthusiastic group has been meeting to learn Italian for a number of years. We meet on Zoom for an hour on first, second and third Tuesdays. On the fourth Tuesday we meet face to face for two hours, usually in a member's house.

We have vacancies at present.  Please contact Roger at if you would like to come along and give it a try.

We learn mainly from playing games, some of which are devised by group members; reading short novels (see below) specially written for learners at our level, which is now B1/B2, as specified by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; playing tombola (Italian bingo) which helps us with numeracy, listening exercises and divising our own exercises to help us converse more in Italian.. 

We are an open and friendly group and are fortunate to have a member of the group who is a native Italian speaker to keep us on track with pronunciation and the subtleties of the language.



      A luglio inizieremo la lettura di Opera! una nuova avventura del detective
Antonio Esposito nel mondo dell'opera e della buona cucina.



Abbiamo finito la lettura del libro Delitto in Piazza del Campo, dove il giornalista Paolo Ferretti si trova per caso  ad indagare su un complicato caso di omicidio che sconvolge la città di Siena a pochi giorni dall'avvenimento più importante dell'anno - il Palio.





